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Essential Signage Types & Their Benefits

by BookMySign 01 Mar 2024

It is unlikely that you haven't been influenced or helped by a sign, whether it's digital or physical unless you've been living under a rock for years. Signages play a crucial role in our day-to-day lives. They are paramount to decision-making in different aspects of life, such as navigating, informational, or purchases.

Signages have different purposes depending on where they are placed, and they are directly or indirectly intertwined with a business's bottom line.

Types of Signage based on intent

Not all signage displays commercial intent. However, it can be utilized to promote organizations, businesses, and corporations. Let's explore how they deploy signage.


Be it navigating a huge facility or even a city, it would be tedious to make it through in the absence of proper guidance. Signs come into play here. Local government makes it easy for the public (local or foreign) with signs with information to navigate and reach institutions, and facilities. A factor, crucial for increasing visitors and tourists to the city.

Within a big corporate facility, signs play a role in facilitating the employees, and clients navigating the facility with clear instructions for various departments and sections. A user-friendly organization often results in reduced attritions and more conversions.


One of the most basic, yet critical intent of signs is to inform. The informational signs can be found indoors and outdoors, depending on when the information would serve the people. A park that doesn't allow smoking or pets. Without a proper informational sign, every party involved would find enforcing and following rules difficult.

Another example of informing is where signages are extensively used on roads and in managing traffic. Speed limits, free turns, and other traffic guidelines including distance to places are mostly of informational and intent.


Informational, wayfinding, and identification of the intended use of Signs are intertwined with each other. How would you find out a public office or a facility without identification signage? Commercial establishments, multinational corporations with several levels of parking, and public facilities like parks, bus stops, railway stations, and offices, would be chaotic without identification signages.

Although they don't have commercial intent, the identifying signages are imperative to maintain order and create user-friendly facilities that people would find easier to use and navigate. This leads to increased footfalls, enabling other commercial opportunities.

Branding & Promotional

Without signages, it would be difficult to establish your brand and its values. Combining wayfinding, branding, and marketing signages would be an effective strategy to translate your investment and efforts into commercial success.

Once you have established a brand, its values and promotional banners/signages become an effective tool to advertise and promote in private/public facilities, events, tradeshows, etc. Event/period-specific offers, sales, and discounts are often conveyed with promotional signages, which will help you promote the offer, and increase your exposure, thereby improving your profits.

We have seen how signage can vary with intent. In this section, we'll take a look at why signages are important and why they matter.

Why do Signages matter?

Signage have become more crucial than ever. Why? They have a critical role to play in the success of any business small or large. In this section we will take a look at some of the important purposes signages serve and why a lot of effort should go into deciding the right signage for you.

Bring Attention

Signs are often the first point of contact between any business and potential customers. A thoughtful design and strategic placement of sign has the potential to grab and hold the attention. In increasing competitive and high-traffic areas where businesses are fighting for space, the signage could turn out to be the deciding factor your business requires.

Brand Visibility

As a business, the brand visibility is not something you bet on. A brand turns into something recognizable with consistent design and messaging across the organization and institution. Be it indoors or outdoors. Signages are a tool to help reinforce brand identity in the minds of potential customers and retaining the existing ones. Signages lead to improved brand recall and influence purchasing decisions through consistency and familiarity.

Guides Customers

Signages within the business premises makes a difference as well. As customers navigate both the exterior and interior of a business premises, clear, informative and well-placed signs can assist customers. to the entrance, specific products or services, sales or promotions, checkout counters, and other important areas within the store. This enhances the overall customer experience and encourages repeat visits.


In a competitive marketplace, businesses need to stand out from the crowd for sustaining success. Well-designed signages communicating the USP can be the differentiating factor among the competitors. Attractive banners promoting offers, with eye-catching signage can turn impressionable to customers and which makes them likelier to choose your business over the competitors.

Increases Foot falls:

If you run a brick-and-mortar store, increasing foot falls is imperative to sustain business, an attractive and compelling signage is prone to drive foot traffic to a business. This is particularly true for retail stores, restaurants, and many other brick-and-mortar establishments. With a help of signage, businesses can create a strong visual presence and communicate to attract more customers, increase walk-ins, and ultimately add to the bottom line.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Advertising can be a costly affair, a reason why a well-designed signage can turn out to be a cost-effective way to expand to a larger audience. When installed, a sign is constant promotion for your business 24/7, without adding to your overheads. Like any long-term investment, a good design and strategic placement can compound to deliver a high return on investment (ROI) in the long run.

Local Advertising

If your main target audience is the local customers, you can't underplay the importance of having a signage. It serves as a powerful form of local advertising. Strategical placement of signs where people are likely to gather, anywhere closer to the actual place of business, is a great way to reach more eyeballs, drive footfalls to your business, and improve sales.

Signages should be a crucial component of your business's marketing strategy to increase the likeliness of its success. By leveraging signage effectively, businesses can increase their target audience, enhance brand visibility, improve the customer experience, and ultimately drive sales and profitability. Businesses that invest in well-designed, strategic signage are more likely to attract customers, stand out from competitors, and achieve long-term success.

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